Projects with IT, Robot, and Automation Integration - Institute of Field roBOtics (FIBO)
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Projects with IT, Robot, and Automation Integration

Projects with IT, Robot, and Automation Integration

Providing Consultation Service for the Design of Government Center for Submitting General Complaints

As the Thai government provided channels for submitting grievances or requests for assistance such as Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, by post, by fax, hotlines, and website, approximately 20,000 complaints are received annually. Thus, the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office has expressed interest in adopting the latest technologies, such as database management system, call-center system, internet system, and automation. FIBO has researched and designed systems to reduce complicity and support the government to respond more quickly to citizen comments, difficulties, and complaints.

Development of One-Stop Service Consumer Protection System Year 2005

Office of the Consumer Protection Board assigned FIBO as a consultant for the design and development of One-Stop Service Consumer Protection System Year 2005 with goals to allow the office to operate on a centralized database system and offer one-stop services to citizens according to the government’s E-Government policy. FIBO has worked on the development of electronic networks to reduce paperwork by integrating automated workflow management systems with an expert system to handle works without the officer’s decision. Workloads will be handled more quickly and accurately. The project also introduced the web service to citizens where they can ask information, submit complaints, check the process, receive news, and give feedback to organizations.

Development of Information and Communication Technology for Emergency Medical Service System

National Health Security Office (NHSO) has developed EMS (Emergency Medical Service System) which has offered services since 2001. Mapping technology continues to advance, therefore NHSO wants to improve the IT system of EMS to provide more support to officers. Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO) acts as a consultant for the development and improvement of systems: (1) Electronic Map Management System on the internet, (2) GPRS System, a wireless data transmission to EMS system in forms of text, sound, photograph, and video, (3) GPS System for officers to determine the precise location of an ambulance and send the ambulance from a nearby location to people in need  (4) Web-Based Management System on the internet allowing users to be able to reach information from anywhere in Thailand  (5) Payment and Disbursement System which connects to the finance program of NHSO

Acting as a Consultant to Connect the State Enterprise Database to GFMISSOE System of State Enterprise Policy Office (SEPO)

SEPO wants to connect the IT systems of state enterprises to Government Fiscal Management Information Technology or GFMIS-SOE for a more updated, accurate, and faster system that the board of directors can use directly to determine policies and measures. Currently, the inputs of data on GFMIS-SOE are slow and incomplete. Thus, the process of taking data from GFMIS-SOE to analyze cannot be finished within the schedule. Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO) purposed the guidelines to improve the system, suggested the design and recommended how to enhance the IT system for more efficiency. The institute designed data input methods that are faster and more accurate. In this project, five state enterprises have adopted methods in Phase 1 and ten state enterprises have participated in Phase 2.

RemoteControlled Floodgate System Installation

Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute (Public Organization) or HAII recognized that floodgates, which Royal Irrigation Department has built, are important for flood prevention. However, there was a lack of tools and equipment to control floodgates. Local officers will open and close the floodgate as told by their supervisor which is not a quick response to changes. Thus, the Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO) has designed, constructed, and installed machines to remotely control 70 floodgates in Bangkok Metropolitan and Central Region Zone for a quicker response to new circumstances.

Development of Control System of Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and 3D Simulation System

Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO) uses the robotic technology ” Robotic Mapping ” for more efficient depth measurements. The project focuses on the development of remote controlling and tracking system for an unmanned surface vehicle to help collect data and develop data processing systems (such as 3D images of the riverbank, water area, and buildings on the edge of the land) which will lead to more accurate data and offer more convenience to operating workers. The development will reduce the cost of importing technology from abroad and in the future, those systems can be adapted for a variety of tasks, for example, using 3D simulation for construction and land to determine flood levels, surveying coastal water areas for resource development, and identifying the wildfire area.